Current Projects


Small Business Innovation Research grants are small sums (~$100,000) of money that the federal government uses to fund early phase research in technical areas of interest. We are currently working on proposals for submission to the various participating agencies and programs.

Past Technology Projects

We have been active in the aerospace research and development industry for over 9 years. During this time we have worked on a variety of projects covering several technologies.

Much of this work has been done under employment by Firestar Technologies, LLC, located in Mojave, California. Development projects completed at Firestar include:

  • An inflatable, rigidizing composite for use on Mars rovers and space applications
  • An energy extraction process utilizing a meta-stable phase change to generate mechanical energy from low quality heat sources
  • A non-toxic rocket monopropellant that can be used with both ascent and RCS rocket thrusters
  • Test site development including a large volume vacuum chamber, and equipment and personnel protection for working with rocket propellants

For information regarding these technologies please visit the Firestar Technologies website. For information specific to NOFBx monopropellants please visit the Innovative Space Propulsions Systems website.

Building the Geek Retreat

In the fall of 2008 we began the design and permitting process for what has become the Geek Retreat. This facility was designed as a prototyping and laboratory facility for teams to work from for intensive periods of time. Below is a slide show that catalogs the journey we have taken to realize our building.

The Geek Retreat is a multi-purpose building that was build by the Mungas family over a span of 5 years. The building was designed with R&D in mind, and to be as efficient as possible. Upstairs there are 3 large work bays, and office and meeting spaces. The bottom floor contains fabrication and laboratory spaces.